Minggu, 16 April 2017

Good Goodbye"
(feat. Pusha T & Stormzy)

So say goodbye and hit the road
Pack it up and disappear
You better have some place to go
'Cause you can't come back around here
Good goodbye
(Don't you come back no more)

Live from the rhythm, it's
Something wild, venomous
Enemies trying to read me
You're all looking highly illiterate
Blindly forgetting if I'm in the mix
You won't find an equivalent
I've been here killing it
Longer than you've been alive, you idiot
And it makes you so mad
Somebody else could be stepping in front of you
And it makes you so mad that you're not the only one
There's more than one of you
And you can't understand the fact
That it's over and done, hope you had fun
You've got a lot to discuss on the bus
Headed back where you're from

So say goodbye and hit the road
Pack it up and disappear
You better have some place to go
'Cause you can't come back around here
Good goodbye
(Don't you come back no more)

[Pusha T:]
Goodbye, good riddance
A period is after every sentence
Did my time with my cellmate
Maxed out so now we finished
Every day was like a hail date
Every night was like a hailstorm
Took her back to my tinted windows
Showin' out, she in rare form
Wings up, now I'm airborne
King Push, they got a chair for him
Make way for the new queen
The old lineup, where they cheer for 'em
Consequence when you ain't there for him
Were you there for him?
Did you care for him?
You were dead wrong

So say goodbye and hit the road
Pack it up and disappear
You better have some place to go
'Cause you can't come back around here
Good goodbye
(Don't you come back no more)

Let me say goodbye to my demons
Let me say goodbye to my past life
Let me say goodbye to the darkness
Tell 'em that I'd rather be here in the starlight
Tell 'em that I'd rather be here where they love me
Tell 'em that I'm yours this is our life
And I still keep raising the bar like
Never seen a young black brother in the chart twice
Goodbye to the stereotypes
You can't tell my kings we can't
Mandem we're linking tings in parks
Now I gotta tune with Linkin Park
Like goodbye to my old hoe’s
Goodbye to the cold roads
I can't die for my postcode
Young little Mike from the Gold Coast
And now I'm inside with my bro bro's

So say goodbye and hit the road
Pack it up and disappear
You better have some place to go
'Cause you can't come back around here
Good goodbye
(Don't you come back no more)


Minggu, 26 Maret 2017



 Inilah Tips Sederhana Lulus Ujian Nasional Tahun 2017 -  Agenda rutinan bangsa kita yaitu menyelenggarakan Ujian Nasional yang akan diselenggarakan mulai dari SMA sampai pada tingkat Sekolah Dasar (SD) akan segera dimulai, seperti dilansir beberapa media yang memberitakan bahwa Ujian Nasional tahun ini akan berbeda dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya dimana Ujian Nasional diselenggarakan secara Online, tentunya pemerintah ingin menunjukan pada dunia luar bahwa Indonesia juga mampu menyelenggarakan Ujian Nasional secara Online, namun Ujian Nasional secara Online itu hanya diselenggarakan di kota-kota atau daerah-daerah yang terjangkau oleh internet dan tidak berlaku untuk daerah terluar.

Terlepas dari penyelenggaran Ujian Nasional yang secara online atau tidak, pada pembahasan kali ini akan membicarakan seputar tips dan trik sukses dalam menempuh ujian nasional 2017 (agar lulus tetap semangat). Tentunya para siswa sangat membutuhkan sekali dorongan , motivasi, semangat dari orang-orang sekitar untuk menempuh ujian nasional ini dan yang paling penting dari semuanya itu adalah Doa dan berusaha dengan sungguh-sungguh pasti semuanya akan tercapai. Berikut ini ada beberapa tips dan trik supaya kamu sukses dan lulus dalam Ujian Nasional 2017.

Do’a Orang Tua Adalah Senjata Kesuksesan Seorang Anak
Mintalah doa kepada orang-orang terdekat anda terlebih kepada orang tua, karena doa orang tua akan tulus mengiringi setiap langkah anaknya, juga mintailah doa dari teman dekat sahabat dan teman-teman anda lainnya, karena doa satu dari cara mendapat sukses tepatnya pada ujian nasional 2017 ini.

Kesehatan Otak Adalah Kunci Lulus Ujian Nasional
Buatlah diri anda selalu dalam kondisi sehat, salah satunya dengan cara minum air putih secukupnya, karena otak terdiri dari 80% mengandung air, selain itu jangan biasakan bergadang sampai larut malam karena akan menyita energy kamu dan membuat otak menjadi capek, maka dari itu anda harus membuat otak anda sehat dan tidak mudah nge-blank saat Ujian Nasional.

Tepat Dalam Memanage Waktu Untuk Belajar
Setelah lama mengikuti bimbingan belajar pra Ujian Nasional tentunya kamu akan merasa lelah namun kegiatan untuk belajar jangan sampai terhenti, oleh karenanya belajarlah 1 hari sebelum Ujian Nasional dilaksanakan, tinggalkan semua aktivitas kamu selain belajar, 2 jam cukup untuk melancarkan materi yang akan diujikan, belajar di saat Ujian Nasional berlangsung akan membuat kamu stress karena akan menyebabkan pikiran yang kemana-mana dan itu tidak baik untuk persiapan kamu menghadapi Ujian Nasional. 

Siap Menghadapi Ujian Nasional Dengan Datang Ke Sekolah dan Mengikuti Prosedur Dalam Pelaksanaan Ujian Nsional
Alangkah lebih baiknya kita datanglah lebih awal ke tempat ujian, sehingga Anda tidak tergesa-gesa dan punya waktu cukup untuk memulai ujian serta bisa mempersiapkan segalanya, bersikap Tenang dan jangan tegang/Panik, berdoa solusinya sehingga dapat membuat Anda lebih siap menghadapi Ujian. Bacalah terlebih dahulu instruksi atau perintah ujian dan tanyakan kepada pengawas jika ada yang kurang jelas. Dahulukan mengisi soal-soal yang lebih mudah, agar Anda dapat menggunakan waktu ujian yang diberikan dengan efisien. Isilah Lembar jawaban dengan hati-hati, agar menghindari kesalahan pengisian yang dapat membuang waktu Anda. Jika masih ada waktu setelah Anda selesai mengisi soal, periksalah kembali jawaban Anda untuk mengoreksi jika masih ada yang salah. 

Ketika Semua Usaha Sudah Dilaksanakan Tinggal Pasrah Menyerahkan Yang Terbaik Menurut Tuhan
Manusia hanya bisa berusaha tetaplah tuhan yang menentukan, namun ada satu hal yang harus diingat bahwa Tuhan selalu memberikan kita yang terbaik dan Tuhan selalu bersama orang-orang yang mendekatkan dirinya pada Tuhan, tetap semangat dan hadapi Ujian Nasional dengan bahagia.


Tata tertib dan Panduan UNBK 2017

Tata tertib dan Panduan UNBK 2017

A.   Tata Tertib atau Kewajiban Siswa Peserta UNBK Tahun 2017

1.   memasuki ruangan setelah tanda masuk dibunyikan, yakni 15 (lima belas) menit sebelum UN dimulai;
2.   bagi  yang  terlambat  hadir  hanya  diperkenankan  mengikuti  UN  setelah mendapat  izin  dari  Ketua  panitia  sekolah/madrasah  pelaksana  UNBK, tanpa diberi perpanjangan waktu;
3.   dilarang  membawa  alat  komunikasi  elektronik  dan  kalkulator  ke Sekolah/Madrasah;
4.   tas, buku, dan catatan dalam bentuk apapun dikumpulkan di dalam ruang kelas di bagian depan;
5.   membawa alat tulis dan kartu tanda peserta ujian;
6.   mengisi  daftar  hadir  dengan  menggunakan  pulpen/bolpoin  yang disediakan oleh Proktor ruangan;
7.   mulai mengerjakan soal setelah memasukkan TOKEN UJIAN;
8.   selama UN berlangsung, peserta UN hanya dapat meninggalkan ruangan dengan izin dan pengawasan dari Proktor;
9.   yang  meninggalkan  ruangan  setelah  memasukkan  TOKEN  UJIAN  dan tidak  kembali  lagi  sampai  waktu  tes  berakhir,  dinyatakan  telah  selesai menempuh/mengikuti UN pada mata pelajaran yang terkait;
10.        peserta UN yang telah selesai mengerjakan soal sebelum waktu ujian selesai, diperbolehkan meninggalkan ruangan ujian;
11.        peserta UN berhenti mengerjakan soal setelah waktu ujian berakhir;
12.        selama UN berlangsung, peserta UN dilarang:
a.  menanyakan jawaban soal kepada siapa pun;
b.  bekerjasama dengan peserta lain;
c.  memberi atau menerima bantuan dalam menjawab soal;
d.  memperlihatkan pekerjaan sendiri kepada peserta lain atau melihat pekerjaan peserta lain;
e.  menggantikan atau digantikan oleh orang lain.

B.  Panduan Peserta UNBK Tahun 2017
1.  Peserta melakukan login pada aplikasi CBT menggunakan username dan password yang telah dibagikan;
2.  Peserta mengecek identitas dan mata uji yang tampil di layar monitor;
3.  Peserta memasukkan token yang diumumkan oleh Proktor;
4.  Peserta mengecek informasi tes yang tampil di layar monitor;
5.  Peserta mengerjakan mata pelajaran sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan Penyelenggara UN Pusat;
6.  Waktu mengerjakan setiap mata pelajaran adalah 120 menit;
7. Cara Menjawab Soal UNBK 2017 Menjawab butir soal dapat dilakukan dengan cara:
1)  memilih/mengklik option jawaban menggunakan mouse atau;
2)  menekan keyboard (huruf A atau B atau C atau D ).
8.  Cara mengubah Jawaban UNBK 2017 yang sudah dipilih
   Peserta dapat mengubah option jawaban dengan cara memilih/mengklik option jawaban lain yang dianggap benar. Jawaban peserta otomatis akan terganti dengan pilihan jawaban yang terakhir.
9.  Cara melihat Jawaban atau KelengakapanJawaban yang Sudah diisi
     Peserta dapat mengidentifikasi kelengkapan jawaban pada daftar soal di sisi kanan layar monitor. Soal yang belum dijawab ditandai dengan kotak warna putih dan kotak warna biru menandai soal yang telah dijawab beserta dengan pilihan jawabannya.
10.  Cara mengakhiri Pelaksanaan Ujian UNBK 2017
    Memastikan mengklik tombol selesai di soal terakhir jika ingin mengakhiri tes sebelum waktu tes selesai.
11. Ingat: Aplikasi CBT akan berhenti secara otomatis ketika waktu tes berakhir.


Lirik lagu Symphony Clean Bandit Feat. Zara Larsson

Lirik lagu Symphony Clean Bandit Feat. Zara Larsson
[Verse 1: Zara Larsson]
I’ve been hearing symphonies
Before all I heard was silence
A rhapsody for you and me
And every melody is timeless
Life was stringing me along
Then you came and you cut me loose
Was solo singing on my own
Now I can’t find the key without you

[Pre-Chorus: Zara Larsson]
And now your song is on repeat
And I’m dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you’re gone, I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth

[Chorus: Zara Larsson]
I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

[Verse 2: Zara Larsson]
I’m sorry if it’s all too much
Every day you’re here, I’m healing
And I was runnin' out of luck
I never thought I’d find this feeling
'Cause I’ve been hearing symphonies
Before all I heard was silence
A rhapsody for you and me
(A rhapsody for you and me)
And every melody is timeless

[Pre-Chorus: Zara Larsson]
And now your song is on repeat
And I’m dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you’re gone, I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth

[Chorus: Zara Larsson]
I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

[Interlude: Zara Larsson]
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah ah, ah

[Pre-Chorus: Zara Larsson]
And now your song is on repeat
And I’m dancin' on to your heartbeat
And when you’re gone, I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth
(Oh, oh, oh)

[Chorus: Zara Larsson]
I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

Lirik Lagu Martin Garrix feat Dua Lipa - Scared to be Lonely

Lirik Lagu Martin Garrix feat Dua Lipa - Scared to be Lonely

It was great at the very start

Hands on each other

Couldn't stand to be far apart

Closer the better

Now we're picking fights

And slamming doors

Magnifying all our flaws

And I wonder why

Wonder what for

Why we keep coming back for more

Is it just our bodies?

Are we both losing our minds?

Is the only reason you're holding me tonight

'Cause we're scared to be lonely?

Do we need somebody

Just to feel like we're alright?

Is the only reason you're holding me tonight

'Cause we're scared to be lonely?

Too much time, losing track of us

Where was the real?

Undefined, spiraling out of touch

Forgot how it feels

All the fucked up fights

And slamming doors

Magnifying all our flaws

And I wonder why

Wonder what for

It's like we keep coming back for more

Is it just our bodies?

Are we both losing our minds?

Is the only reason you're holding me tonight

'Cause we're scared to be lonely?

Do we need somebody

Just to feel like we're alright?

Is the only reason you're holding me tonight

'Cause we're scared to be lonely?

Scared to be lonely

Even when we know it's wrong

Been somebody better for us all along

Tell me, how can we keep holding on?

Holding on tonight

'Cause we're scared to be lonely

Even when we know it's wrong

Been somebody better for us all along

Tell me, how can we keep holding on?

Holding on tonight

'Cause we're scared to be lonely

Is it just our bodies?

Are we both losing our minds?

Is the only reason you're holding me tonight

'Cause we're scared to be lonely?

Scared to be lonely

Scared to be lonely

Scared to be lonely

Eh, eh, scared to be lonely


Lirik Lagu Bruno Mars - Thats What I Like

 Lirik Lagu Bruno Mars - Thats What I Like

I got a condo in Manhattan
Baby girl, what's happening?
You and your ass invited
So gon' and get to clappin'
Girl, pop it for a pimp
Pop, pop it for me
Turn around and drop it for a pimp
Drop, drop it for me
I'll rent a beach house in Miami
Wake up with no jammies
Lobster tail for dinner
Julio serve that scampi
You got it if you want it
Got, got it if you want it
Said you got it if you want it
Take my wallet if you want it now

Jump in the Cadillac
Girl, let's put some miles on it
Anything you want
Just to put a smile on it
You deserve it, baby, you deserve it all
And I'm gonna give it to you

Gold jewelry shining so bright
Strawberry champagne on ice
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like
Sex by the fire at night
Silk sheets and diamonds all white
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like

I'm talkin' trips to Puerto Rico
Say the word and we go
You can be my freaka
Girl, I'll be a fleeko, mamacita
I will never make a promise that I can't keep
I promise that your smile ain't gon' never leave
Shopping sprees in Paris
Everything 24 karats
Take a look in that mirror
Now tell me who's the fairest
Is it you? Is it you? Is it me? Is it me?
Say it's us, say it's us, and I'll agree, baby

Jump in the Cadillac
Girl, let's put some miles on it
Anything you want
Just to put a smile on you
You deserve it, baby, you deserve it all
And I'm gonna give it to you

Gold jewelry shining so bright
Strawberry champagne on ice
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like
Sex by the fire at night
Silk sheets and diamonds all white
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like

If you say you want a good time
Well here I am, baby, here I am, baby
Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me
Tell me what's on your mind
If you want it, girl come and get it
All this is here for you
Tell me, baby, tell me, tell me, baby
What you tryna do

Gold jewelry shining so bright
Strawberry champagne on ice
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like
Sex by the fire at night
Silk sheets and diamonds all white
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like
Lucky for you, that's what I like, that's what I like


Lirik lagu Taylor Swift ft. Zayn Malik I Don't Wanna Live Forever

Been sittin' eyes wide open behind these four walls, hopin' you'll call
It's just a cruel existence like it's no point hopin' at all

Baby, baby, I feel crazy
Up all night, all night and every day
Give me somethin', oh, but you say nothin'
What is happenin' to me?

I don't wanna live forever
'Cause I know I'll be livin' in vain
And I don't wanna fit wherever
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home

[Taylor Swift:]
I'm sittin' eyes wide open and I got one thing stuck in my mind
Wondering if I dodged a bullet or just lost the love of my life

Baby, baby, I feel crazy
Up all night, all night and every day
I gave you something, but you gave me nothing
What is happening to me?

[Zayn & Taylor Swift:]
I don't wanna live forever
'Cause I know I'll be livin' in vain
And I don't wanna fit (fit, babe) wherever (wherever)
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home

I've been looking sad in all the nicest places
(Baby, baby, I feel crazy)
I see you around in all these empty faces
(Up all night, all night and every day)
I've been looking sad in all the nicest places
(Give me somethin', oh, but you say nothin')
Now I'm in a cab, I tell him where your place is
What is happenin' to me?

I don't wanna live forever
'Cause I know I'll be livin' in vain
And I don't wanna fit wherever
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home

[Taylor Swift & Zayn:]
I just wanna keep callin' your name
Until you come back home
Until you come back home